We are professional negotiators and consultants and negotiate on your behalf.
We can help you.
Read More...There are many individuals who have very little knowledge, or no knowledge as to what to pay for a used vehicle. Many people think that they know what to pay for a vehicle. It is a very wise decision to have a second opinion as to what to pay for this investment.
Secondly is also very beneficial to have a preliminary inspection of the vehicles’ body condition, engine and related operating components. This preliminary inspection can and will save you hundreds and hundreds of dollars in the future for repairs that you may not be aware of.
Some people are knowledgeable as to the value of a vehicle, but if you are a first time buyer or a youth or elderly or female or landed immigrant, you may not have the experience or knowledge or confidence that comes with a vehicle purchase.
Many individuals either do not have the time due to the busy schedule that they are faced with or may have been stung in the past with a previous vehicle purchase. Some people are taken in by a smooth talking salesperson that just wants to make a sale and not concerned as to what is in the best interest and option for the customer. Some individuals will unsuspectingly pay too much for a vehicle just because they want it due to color or options.
We have over 40 years of experience in the resale of vehicles, vehicle repairs and appraisal service combined. This gives us first hand knowledge as to what to look for when inspecting a vehicle. There may be many hidden issues or certain issues associated with a brand of vehicle that has a common needed repair. There may be hidden previous damage or current issues that need to be addressed immediately.
We can either give you advise over the phone or we can come out with you to where the vehicle is and do a quick inspection. The inspection is only a visual and does not include an in depth mechanical inspection. There are different fees associated with this service and it is based on time and mileage if any. If it is only the phone advise that is required we will direct to as to what strategies to use and how to conduct yourself when faced with pressure from a sales personal. We could also direct you as to what to look for yourself when you are purchasing the vehicle.
We can also provide you with negotiation service, and this should be done prior to you purchasing the vehicle. We have full knowledge as to what the strategies are that sales personal use when it comes to incorporating your vehicles trade in value and subsequently purchasing another vehicle. We will do the negotiating for you and get you the best deal possible, and to also advise you as to what additional addon services or warranties you should have.
For more detailed information and pricing please contact by, text or phone at 519 732 7257 or e-mail qualitymarketing@rogers.com or by filling out the request form.